Totally Clean & Deodorize
Your Entire Pet Care Facility
The AQUA-AIR Wet/Dry introduces state of the art technology to drastically improve the appearance and sanitation of your clinic by removing the soils and contaminants completely out of the environment, and flushing them directly down the drain. A hot cleaning solution is sprayed on the surface then immediately rinsed and vacuumed away leaving the surface clean, residue-free and dry. Eliminate the antiquated cleaning processes of heavy portable vacuums, unsanitary mops and buckets, brooms and dusters that redistribute soils and contaminants back into the environment; by installing an AQUA-AIR Wet/Dry in your clinic. The simple, fast and effective system drastically cuts labor and equipment expenses. CALL FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION! A hot cleaning solution is sprayed on the surface then rinsed and vacuumed away leaving the surface clean, residue-free and dry. Eliminate the antiquated cleaning processes of heavy portable vacuums, unsanitary mops and buckets, brooms and dusters and any system that re-distribute soils and contaminants back into the environment; by installing an AQUA-AIR Wet/Dry Total Cleaning System in your facility. This simple, fast and effective system drastically cuts labor and equipment expenses.